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Asian Dub Foundation: Enemy of my Enemy
Okay - so this is not a review. I don't have the album. And if you read below, you'll see that I can't even beg for my faithful readers to get it for me. Yet.
The new album from the not-so-small massive Asian Dub Foundation is available on iTunes [only click that if you have iTunes open] now. Sadly, there's no U.S. album release date listed on their website, so we're either limited to buying the e-version of the album (environmentally more sound, but I want to HOLD the new album), paying more than $30 for the UK or Japan release (plus shipping), or just sit around waiting for a U.S. release. Damn it. Yet another reason why it blows to be brown in the U.S. We gotta wait for the ADF releases.
By the way how many people are in this collective now? Boy, talk about massive. I think that it's larger than a cricket team, but you gotta give props to the growing diversity in the group, both musically and literally. The brothers ADF rock. I wonder what their stage show is like now. I saw them in 1999 at the Bowery Ballroom, and I swear, Deeder, at 19 and thinner than a rail, was about to jump from stage to balcony at some guy who was giving them the finger. Fierce. And righteous with the work that they have stayed true to in the underserved youth communities of the UK.
Check them out if you haven't already. And let me know if you hear about a U.S. release date. Meanwhile, I'll have to listen to the :30 tidbits that iTunes affords me. Maybe I should drink more Pepsi in the interest of getting free caps enough to buy the e-(al)bum.
Urgh. Pepsi bad.
Note: The ADF that I'm talking about here is this ADF. Not this ADF. Scary.
Mar 28, 2005
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LOL - thought that would get your attention. I'm down for Arular, but it's a domestic release. My issue with TANK is that it doesn't even have a domestic (US) release yet. Sucks. I can't conscience the whole e-bum concept yet.
Case Study of the Impact of Blogging Upon Real LifeI got so worked up about not being able to buy the album yet that I actually went out and bought a Mountain Dew, for the first time since college (because I cannot deal with Pepsi), just because I wanted to get a free song on iTunes, so that I could then get a track from TANK.
Let's see. First, I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight, as Mountain Dew has more caffeine than most soft drinks.
Second, I lost.
Finally, I could have used the money to buy a song directly from iTunes if I were so inclined.
Asian Dub Fondation. Tank. Nouvel album. "ADF sort la grosse artillerie !". On lit ça d'ici. En fait, c'est vraiment le supermarché. On aurait pu croire que c'était simplement un peu trop breakbeat-dub, formule. Mais tous ces samples world semblent tous droit sortis d'un CD-banque de sons thématique, alors que le groupe est formé d'indiens, ou du moins anglo-indiens, voire pakistanais, est-il nécessaire d'apprendre le communiqué de presse par coeur ? "Bonnes vibes et énergie d'une fusion explosive entre électronique et roots !", voilà ce qui y est dit, à tous les coups. On se permet juste de se demander si c'est leur origine ethnique ou leurs revendications politiques qui leur accordent autant de chroniques complaisantes. Est-ce qu'il est vraiment nécessaire, aussi, d'écouter ce disque jusqu'à son terme ? C'est le travail du chroniqueur. Il en est capable. Cet album est remarquable, de vacuité et de lourdeur, à la fois. Il n'a même pas l'énergie vulgaire du précédent. On se contentera de ça, on n'ose pas réécouter, attentivement, pour être plus précis, justifié, argumenté. Tellement de choses méritent plus l'espace d'une chronique.
Chroniqué par Will :pfff:
Babelfish translation:
New album. "ADF leaves large artillery!". One reads that from here. In fact, it is really the supermarket. One could have believed that it was simply a little too breakbeat-dub, formula. But all these samples world seem straight left CD-banks of sounds set of themes, whereas the group is made of Indians, or at least anglo-Indians, even Pakistani, is necessary to learn the press release by heart? "Good vibes and energy of an explosive fusion between electronics and roots!", here what is said there, with all the blows. One just allows oneself to wonder whether it is their ethnic origin or their political claims which grant as many obliging chronicles to them. Is it really necessary, also, to listen to this disc until its term? It is the work of the chronicler. He of it is able. This album is remarkable, of vacuity and heaviness, at the same time. It does not even have the vulgar energy of the precedent. One will be satisfied with that, one does not dare réécouter, attentively, more precise, to be justified, argued. So much of things deserve more space of a chronicle.
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