Jun 14, 2004

I am a new convert to Bloggerbot.

Wow. I wanted to post pictures on this site to jazz it up a bit. Didn't realize that it would be a lot easier than I was expecting - using the new Bloggerbot mini-app within Hello. The latter is a picture sharing instant messaging program that now interfaces with Blogger sites quite well. I think the whole point of this is to sell their photo management software, Picasa (the self-proclaimed "iPhoto for Windows users"). But this little application is awesome - so expect more photos now. I think photoblogging is so much cooler than what I can write anyway. Who wants to wade through pages and pages of my internal noodlings and doodlings anyway.

So let's see how this goes...

1 comment:

Rage said...

Yeah. Pretty gnarly. Too bad Disney messed up The Black Cauldron so royally in the '80s.